National Assistance League Comes to Chicago

Wow, what an amazing four days at the 2013 National Assistance League Conference! 

Numerous ALCW members traveled downtown daily to attend informative educational sessions, network with fellow Assistance League members from close to 120 chapters nationwide and mingle with chapter friends at the Chicago Hilton.

Everyone came away with a better appreciation of what a truly outstanding organization we belong to and an increased sense of pride in what the Chicagoland West chapter accomplishes on the local level.

Conference kicked off on Wednesday, September 18 with the inaugural Circle Walk.  Imagine 275 Assistance League-clad ladies parading across Michigan Avenue and through Grant Park. Our "hometown" put it best face forward with fountains flowing and flowering gardens still in bloom. Thanks to Ricki for posting a YouTube video by the new AL executive director Geoff Wilson on our Facebook page. Check in out!

Marie Raffl, Mary Parsons, Becky Moats, Deb Newman, Maureen Hegarty, Heather Laughman, Ricki Lessig, Marianne Cortopassi

Becky and Mary


Marie, Ricki, Maureen, Heather 

Deb and Marianne

Highlights of the day include the Chapter Anniversaries luncheon presentation.
ALCW president Heather Laughman accepted a ten year certificate for the Chicagoland West chapter. (National made it clear that we can use our guild date of 1995 in our community to celebrate 20 years of service in 2015.)

I had the pleasure of participating in a Public Relations session entitled Back to Basics and the honor of presenting on Signature Events, more specifically Books & Brunch. My theme was how to turn a fundraising event into a P R event. I received B&B history from the first chairperson Carla Feinkind and even used a quote from the very quotable Carla. The feedback was amazing as several ladies from other chapters asked for more information on our very successful event.  - Marianne Cortopassi

Meg Cooper and Ricki Lessig

Marie Raffl, Heather Laughman, Fernanda Valentino, Marguerite Spangehl

Maureen Hegarty, Mary Parsons, Marianne Cortopassi
The Union League Boys & Girls Club was the recipient of all these member donated books. We heard touching words from the director and a past kids club member who currently works there. The young lady in the center stole the show with her poignant speech about what the club has meant to her and how thrilled the other children will be to receive close to 1000 books from Assistance League.

Saturday Dinner

Marianne, Heather and Mary

Thanks to all the members who took the time to attend. Conference attendees not pictured include Annette Phillips, Sue Farrell and Cathy Fisher.

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