Carla's comments

Carla Feinkind, ALCW president; Trish Reider, VP of Membership; and Madelon Pearlman, a past president and member of the National Assistance League board as Resource Development recently returned from the National Assistance League Conference held September 12-16 in New Orleans. Read Carla's insightful comments below.

On the Conference:
There were many interesting speakers and many networking opportunities. The most exciting new development on the national level concerns the virtual community. We already have an excellent website with all of our documents and events there for members to access as well as a way to easily enter service hours. Now, National is encouraging Facebook as a way of reaching chapter communities and those beyond.  Watch for developments on this front....and yes we can help you become a supporter and user of Assistance League of Chicagoland West on Facebook.

On Our Chapter: 
One surprising thing is that though we are a small group in terms of numbers, membership and budget, our chapter is held up as an innovative and "happening" chapter!  Everyone knew who we are for several reasons. 

OUR 990 - Chicagoland has the best 990 (an IRS tax form). Our 990 is now sent out to guilds and struggling chapters as a model to emulate!  We impress and are impressive.  

BOOKS AND BRUNCH - Several other chapters will be holding their first book and author event after learning about ours and hearing that it is an excellent PR opportunity that we have successfully maximized.  

PHILANTHROPY - Our programs are also seen as an excellent and effective use of our budget in order to make a real and impacting difference in people's lives. Everyone at the conference kept referring to the difficult times that our nation is facing. Those most affected are the vulnerable in our communities.  You can really be proud that we are recognized as a group that makes a big impact on those who most need our help.  We ARE a shining example of Caring and Commitment in Action

LOOKING FORWARD - This is our year to celebrate our members and we will be using Facebook to help us do so. It has been 15 years since a tiny group of California transplants said Chicagoland needs some Assistance League style....Caring and Commitment in Action. Look at us NOW. 

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